Sakha Corp. boasts an expansive global presence, engaging in the trade of top-tier raw materials and resources sourced from suppliers worldwide. Our procurement spans Asia, Europe, and the Americas, catering to the needs of manufacturers, importers, and distributors of products and raw materials.
Our proficient team of traders brings a diverse reservoir of industry expertise to the table. Renowned for their personalized service, precise market insights, and innovative problem-solving, they lay the cornerstone for Raw Essentials’ triumph.
Fueled by an unwavering pursuit of opportunity and excellence, we consistently push the boundaries of achievement. With a resolute focus and meticulous discipline, we steer our enterprise towards enduring strength, longevity, and profitability.
Delivering unparalleled service and products to our customers, all while prioritizing optimal value.
We're dedicated to ethical, transparent business and treating everyone with dignity and respect.
We possess expertise, skill, and dedication in delivering our services.
We invest to prioritize the health, wellness, and safety of employees and customers.
We aim to reduce our carbon footprint through eco-friendly practices.
We recognize customer requirements and ensure their needs are met.
We reliably, efficiently, and responsibly source, store, blend, and deliver physical commodities globally.